Workshop Programme
Tuesday 12 June 2012, Culture Lab Newcastle
The workshop consists of a presentation of position papers, demonstrations of existing systems, break out discussion and coding sprints, and an evening performance event. Paper presentations are scheduled in a 10 minute time slot. A Q&A and discussion session will take place after all presentations have been given, and after hands-on session to consider everything together.
09:00 Welcome, Coffee
09.30 Introduction
Presentations of position papers 1-4
09:40 Michael Gurevich – University of Michigan
Spectators of Mobile Musical Interactions: Opportunities and Challenges
Abstract: This paper considers the role of the spectator in mobile inter- active music and suggests how designing mobile music experiences with broadened notions of spectatorship may give rise to new design opportunities and challenges.
09:50 Henri Palleis – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Prototyping Hybrid Musical Interactions on Tablet Devices
Abstract: This paper will explore hybrid musical interactions on tablet devices that combine tangible, touch and gestural input. Existing low-fidelity prototyping tools are a promising platform for these investigations. An overview of intended research projects is given.
10:00 Zheng Li and Hua Wang – Blekinge Institute of Technology
A music puzzle game application for engaging in active listening
Abstract: In this paper we introduce an application for tablet devices with Android operating system called The Music Puzzle. This work is part of an ongoing project called The Soundpark– Using modern smartphones to create interactive listening experiences for hearing impaired. In the Soundpark, we intend to provide different experimental applications for interacting with sound.
10:10 Baptiste Caramiaux – Ircam – Centre Pompidou
Embodied Musical Interaction: when Listening meets Performing
Abstract: One aspect of embodied musical interaction that seems promising resides in blurring the frontiers between listening and performing. In this paper we propose a computational system that allows for listening recorded sounds and reinterpreting them with body movements. We argue that such approach makes sense if being embedded in modern pervasive mobile systems.
10:20 Alessandro Altavilla – Newcastle University
The Quite Walk: Sonic Memories and Mobile Cartography
Abstract: This paper presents The Quiet Walk, an interactive mobile artwork for sonic explorations of urban space. The goal of TQW is to find the “quietest place”. An interface on the mobile device directs the user to avoid noisy areas of the city, giving directions to find quiet zones. Data collected by the system generates a geoacoustic map of the city that facilitates the personal recollection of sonic memories.
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Demo Session (simple mobile applications)
Participants demonstrating their work in a quick session
Presentations of position papers 5-8
11:30 Andy Farnell – London
Suitability of the Cellphone for Mobile Music
Abstract: A critical look at musical applications on mobile devices. This essay examines the rapid growth of popular mobile musical applications and questions why, despite the great potential of technological convergence, there are difficulties that mean the artistic reach of mobile music remains limited.
11:40 Bérenger Recoules – Nantes
Collaborative Music Creation Using Smart phones
Abstract: This paper will present how smart phones make it possible to gain new ways of interacting with music. Smart phones being devices that allows at the same time many interactive interfaces and advanced communication features can be seen as new networking tools around musical creation.
11:50 Sheryl Brahnam – Missouri State University
Description of a Cell Phone Concert & Sound Performance
Abstract: We describe a cell phone concert and sound performance as part of a contemporary dance performance that used the loudspeakers of audience participants’ cell phones. The concert explored cell phones as containers and mediators of the imaginal. The concert also provoked interactional tensions that played off the cell phone’s propensity to disrupt the public sphere.
12:00 Jane Grant and John Matthias – Plymouth University
Closer: A mobile neural field
Abstract: In this short paper, we describe a proposal for new work entitled Closer , a distributed, participatory performance artwork. It is formed from a neuronal network or ‘cortex’ of smart phones that record sounds from phone users and their geographies, streaming and fragmenting the audio within the network of phones and neurons. Closer will be part distributed sonic instrument and part game played in real- time geographical space. Each participant becomes part of a dynamically rich, fluid consciousness, navigating the geoneural spaces of a city.
12:10 Nick Bryan-Kinns – Queen Mary University of London
Mutual Engagement: Participating ≠ Performing
Abstract: Our designs for distributed and mobile music making interfaces have produced mutually engaging experiences. However, whilst people participate in music making with our systems, they are not able to express themselves through the co-created music. We would like to explore designing for expressivity and possible new styles of music for mobile devices.
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Hands On Activities
(Subgroups of 4-5 people each led by two of the organizers as moderators, sign up for groups during lunch): Break out discussion groups on thematic topics:
1. Koray Tahiroğlu and Stephen Gibson – Social musical interaction (iPhones/motion tracking/kinect)
2. Atau Tanaka and Adam Parkinson – Pure Data on mobile, via RJDJ, Pdlib, Maemo or Super Collider on Android
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Roundtable Discussion
Reporting back on break out activities
Re-reflecting on position papers in light of workshop activities
17:30 Wrap up
Discussion of future continued activities
18:30 Drinks
19:00 Evening Art Programme
Mobile music performances and installations
Sebastien Berenger
SpatBirds – collaborative mobile phone, open to participation (15 min)
Sheryl Brahnam and Nathan Hamilton
A Proper Container – audiovisual performance with audience dial-in (20 min)
Baptiste Caramiaux
MO – performance on bespoke mobile devices (5 min)
Koray Tahiroğlu
InHands: Improvisation for Mobiles – mobile phone performance (10 min)
Adam Parkinson and Atau Tanaka
4 Hands iPhone – mobile phone duo performance (10 min)
Steve Gibson
Virtual VJ (10 min), then opening up to audience trying the system
Koray Tahiroğlu, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (FI)
Atau Tanaka, Goldsmiths Digital Studios, University of London (UK)
Adam Parkinson, Culture Lab, Newcastle University (UK)
Stephen Gibson, School of Design, Northumbria University (UK)