Repertoire for the PESI system


The first piece, In-Hands, was an improvisation for three musicians. Each instrument possessed different sonic characteristics, varying from squarewave generators to granular synthesis of sampled sounds. Spatial distances between performers further manipulated the sounds by changing the grain sizes and the modulation values of the frequencies. The piece was performed in SOPI research group’s studio in December 2012.

In-Hands: free-improv set by Ilkka Niemeläinen, Antti Ikonen and James Andean

No More Together

The composition No More Together, by Adam Parkinson, utilises a simple text score; a set of instructions designed to facilitate but also playfully problematise interactions between the performers. The composition responds to the specific affordances of the performance system which sonifies the spatial and social interactions between the performers. The relative distance between performers is used to control granular processing of the sounds in the in-space system, allowing performers to transform their owns sounds and those of the other performers, and creating feedback loops between spatial, social and musical interactions.

The composition is a playful exploration of contemporary theory of social interaction, investigating the idea that social interactions have their own internal dynamics, and are emergent objects that feedback into the behaviours of the individuals involved, imbuing their actions with meaning and signification through a process of participatory sense-making.

No More Together, composed by Adam Parkinson; performed in Goldsmiths, University of London in April 2013 by Baptiste Caramiaux, Alessandro Altavilla and Koray Tahiroğlu

The Free-improv Set for Piano

The free-improv set for piano is one of the practical experimentations that we have been exploring with the PESI system. Improvisation investigates the specific affordances of the in-space and on-body components and utilizes these interactions in a duo performance with Sebastian Lexer and Koray Tahiroğlu.

The free-improv set for piano by Sebastian Lexer and Koray Tahiroğlu performed in Goldsmiths, University of London in April 2013

The free-improv set for piano with on-body and in-space II

The free-improv set for piano with on-body and in-space III

Test Tone and Trad Ensemble

Test Tone, is a combination of three pure sine waves playing a single frequency, each modulated, with the harmonic values based on the musician’s distance between each other. Trad Ensemble, was composed for a traditional ensemble, and the sonic characteristics of the instruments were designed to be digital models of traditional instruments; piano, bell and bowl instrument. The distance values between musicians were mapped to create beating patterns. Both the second and the third piece were performed in Goldsmiths, University of London in January 2013.

Test Tone and Trad Ensemble I, performed and demonstrated by Koray Tahiroğlu, Miguel Espada and David Gauthier


Test Tone and Trad Ensemble II, performed and demonstrated by Koray Tahiroğlu, Miguel Espada and David Gauthier


Test Tone and Trad Ensemble III, performed and demonstrated by Koray Tahiroğlu, Miguel Espada and David Gauthier